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Hann & Co recognise the financial challenges of funding legal services. We offer a range of fixed fee packages to clients to provide certainty of costs. We believe in being open and transparent with regards to our costs from the outset, where possible.

We offer a range of fixed fee packages to clients to provide certainty of costs.

We offer an initial free 20 minute consultation with a solicitor. The consultation can be by way of a face-to- face meeting, telephone call or virtual meeting.

Below are some of the services we provide on a fixed fee basis.

ServicesFixed FeeOutlays
Buying (residential)Click for quote
Selling (residential)Click for quote
Transfer of property
RemortgageRemortgages are charged at an all-inclusive fixed fee of £525.00.
Discharge of mortgageFixed Fee for discharge of security – £260 plus VAT and outlaysRegistration of Discharge £60/£80
Copy Title Sheet £3.60 (if required)
Estate Agency by our approved estate agentsClick for quote
Private Client
Will (single)£150 plus VAT totals £180
Wills (mirror) £200 plus VAT totals £240
Power of Attorney (single) £250 plus VAT and Registration Fee of £85 totals £385
Powers of Attorney (mirror) £350 plus VAT and Registration Fees of £170 totals £590 
Undefended Guardianship – Welfare and Financial £1,600 plus VAT totals £1,920Court dues £134
Undefended Guardianship – Welfare only£1,200 plus VAT totals £1,440Court dues £134
Undefended Guardianship – Financial only£1,500 plus VAT totals £1,800Court dues £134
Defended GuardianshipsTo be negotiated 
Executry (administration of whole estate)To be negotiated- file usually sent to a law accounted for feeing.
Petition to the Court appointing an Executor in an intestate estate£350 plus VAT totals £420Court dues £20
Trusts To be negotiated
Legal Right Claims To be negotiated
Challenging a WillTo be negotiated
Personal InjuryApproved Speculative action commonly known as No Win No Fee our success fee is up to 15% plus VAT or such other amount as shall be agreed between the parties.
Defending a personal / damages claimTo be negotiated
Family Law
MediationTo be negotiated
Negotiating Separation Agreements To be negotiated
Drafting and framing a Separation Agreement following agreement£750 plus VAT totals £900Registration of Agreement £22
Contentious DivorceTo be negotiated
Divorce only where children under 16 years and no financial orders sought£950 plus VAT totals £1,140Court dues £165 & service costs
Simplified Divorce£450 plus VAT totals £540Court dues £134 & service costs
Undefended Contact / Residence Order£1,500 plus VAT totals £1,800Court dues £134 & service costs
Drafting and framing a Prenup Agreement£750 plus VAT totals £900Registration of Agreement £22
Drafting and framing Cohabitation Agreement £750 plus VAT totals £900Registration of Agreement £22
Undefended Cohabitee claims following separation£1,500 plus VAT totals £1,800Court dues £134 & service costs
Undefended Cohabitation claims following death £1,500 plus VAT totals £1,800Court dues £134 & Service costs
Aliment orderTo be negotiatedCourt dues £134 & Service costs
Non-Harassment OrderTo be negotiatedCourt dues £134 & Services costs
Specific Issue Order To be negotiatedCourt dues £134 & Services costs
Interdict against financial deprevation To be negotiatedCourt dues £134 & Service costs
Minute to Vary an exist court orderTo be negotiatedCourt dues £134 & Service costs
Lodging a Caveat £200 plus VAT totals £240Court dues £47 
Adoption To be negotiated 
Defending Permanency applicationTo be negotiated 
Road Traffic 
Exception Hardship ProofTo be negotiated
Special Reasons HearingTo be negotiated
Representation at courtTo be negotiated
Commercial ServicesTo be negotiated
Employment ServicesTo be negotiated
Landlord / Tenant ServicesTo be negotiated

We allow payment of legal fees by way of instalments on occasions. Should you wish to pay legal fees by way of an instalments plan, please contact us to discuss.

Service cost: We do not charge for service by way of recorded delivery. However, in certain circumstances we require to serve documents by some other mode for example Sheriff Officers fees. Additional outlays can be incurred in this regard. Court dues are as of April 2023. These cost may increase over time.

Hann and Co

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